
Why Is It So Important to See a Doctor Sooner than Later After Being Hurt at Work?

Jun 20, 2024
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Hurt at work? Don’t wait until your injury worsens to see a doctor. When you see a doctor immediately, you receive an accurate diagnosis and have a record in case you need to make a worker’s compensation claim. Learn more here.

Have you been hurt at work? Work-related accidents are common in many industries, and while you might brush off minor incidents, it’s worth getting checked out by a doctor. You never know when something that seems minor might blossom into something more serious down the road. Plus, you may be eligible for worker’s compensation benefits if your injury happened on the job.

At Spine & Pain Center of San Antonio in Live Oak and San Antonio, Texas, Dr. Sergio Alvarado and our expert team offer a full scope of injury evaluation and pain management services. By assessing your visible injuries as well as checking for internal trauma, we can diagnose your condition and make targeted recommendations for optimal healing and recovery. 

Here’s why it’s so important to see our team sooner, rather than later, if you've been hurt on the job. 

Seek immediate medical attention 

Perhaps your foot hit a damp spot on a tile floor and you went sailing across the room. Maybe you tripped on the steps or strained your back while lifting something heavy. There are many ways you can injure yourself at work. If you ignore these seemingly minor injuries or strains, they can worsen and become sources of chronic pain.

Back injuries can lead to nerve compression or herniated discs, while whiplash is a common injury that can lead to neck pain and reduced mobility later in life if it’s ignored early on. It’s always in your best interest to report any work-related injury and get evaluated by a doctor as soon as possible. That way, you’re covered — even if your injury turns out to be minor. 

Early injury detection is vital

When you see Dr. Alvarado and our team soon after a work-related injury, we can take X-rays or conduct other diagnostic tests to check for hidden internal trauma. Early diagnosis is critical for your healing and recovery — as well as for legal compliance to receive workers’ comp benefits.

If you’re eligible for workers’ comp benefits and don’t report your injury right away, you may jeopardize your eligibility. Workers’ comp benefits can cover physical or occupational therapy and help you improve your strength and mobility. 

Additionally, you feel better psychologically when you receive prompt medical care. Even if it turns out to be a minor concern, you eliminate that nagging feeling at the back of your mind. 

Common work-related injuries 

It’s possible to be injured at work in any setting. Work-related injuries aren’t limited to crane operators, construction workers, and other physical jobs. Here are a few common reasons for workplace injuries: 

  • Repetitive stress (overuse) injuries 
  • Poor ergonomics (i.e., neck or wrist strain) 
  • Pushing oneself past one’s physical abilities
  • Lifting heavy objects without proper support 
  • Slip-and-fall or trip-and-fall accidents

Any of these situations can cause soft tissue injuries, the kind which damage your muscles, ligaments, or tendons — exactly the kinds of injuries that can lead to long-term damage and chronic pain when they’re not caught and treated early. 

Have you been hurt on the job?

Have you been injured at work? Our experienced team can ensure you receive the medical treatment you need and deserve after an injury. We also handle workers’ comp claims. 

Give us a call today to schedule a workers’ comp injury evaluation at Spine & Pain Center of San Antonio, or click online to book an appointment at your nearest office in San Antonio or Live Oak, Texas, anytime.